Pool and Garden Maintenance in Orihuela Costa, Torrevieja and surrounding areas

We talk to you

"*" señala los campos obligatorios.

At Oripool y Garden, we specialize in the maintenance, repair, and improvement of swimming pools and gardens in Orihuela Costa, Torrevieja, and the surrounding areas. With years of experience in the sector, we offer comprehensive services so you can enjoy your pool and garden without worries.

Our featured services

Cleaning, inspection of filters and machinery, and control of chemical products.


Tile repair, leak detection, and equipment repair.


Garden maintenance, pest control, and green space design.


Sale of chemicals and accessories for swimming pools.


Why choose us?


More than 10 years in the sector.

Una gran piscina está rodeada de sillas y una valla.
Una gran piscina está en el patio trasero de una casa.

personalized attention

We adapt our services to your needs.

Un primer plano de una piscina con azulejos azules.

coverage expands

We work in Orihuela and surrounding towns.

Una vista aérea de una gran piscina rodeada de césped verde.

Oripool y Garden

Pool maintenance and repair, gardening, and product sales in Orihuela.



Un icono de sobre en blanco y negro sobre un fondo blanco.


Un dibujo en blanco y negro de un teléfono sobre un fondo blanco.


Orihuela, Alicante, Spain


Un pin de mapa en blanco y negro sobre un fondo blanco.

Enjoy your pool without worries!